4 Realities of Telehealth
COVID-19 has recently shined a different light on telehealth. In a world where hospitals are overwhelmed, and the front-line healthcare workers are our everyday heroes, a trip to the ER, or family physician should be avoided at all costs. While telehealth is not a new solution, the recent surge in demand has made it a viable option for a variety of healthcare needs. Since telehealth is a remote healthcare option, it does not pose the same risks as an in person visit.
Substance use disorder – screening, referral and placement
Does someone you know need treatment for alcohol or drug use? Who do you rely on for accurate information regarding the best options? What type of treatment provides the best chances for long term,
Treating substance use disorders
“I recently spent five weeks in an inpatient rehabilitation center. Prior to returning to work I was advised to seek out an outpatient program. Coming to these groups has helped
NC DWI Process: Charge, conviction, restoration of license
What happens when I get a DWI? A police officer can stop your car at license check points or if the officer notices you do something the officer considers “suspicious.”
Substance Use and the Family: Intoxicant Emotions
Substance Use and the Family: Intoxicant Emotions Drugs and alcohol are “intoxicants,” consumed to have fun, relieve stress, feel better. When sufficient amounts are consumed, eventually one becomes intoxicated –
Alcohol and Drug Rehab Aftercare Program
Upon returning home from inpatient treatment, substance abuse intensive outpatient aftercare programs provide ongoing support and care as people face multiple challenges in the forms of expected and unexpected changes. Challenges
Professional Profile
Professional Profile in Attorney At Law Magazine First Step Services has been profiled in Attorney at Law Magazine. Make Better Choices People convicted of a NC DWI are required by